Remove Option Agreement from Title

One common mistake that website owners make when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO) is including option agreement words in their page titles. These words can negatively impact both the user experience and the search engine ranking of your website. In this article, we will discuss why you should remove option agreement from your page titles.

What are Option Agreement Words?

Option agreement words are phrases that offer different choices or options to the user. These words include “Or,” “And,” “Vs,” and “Versus.” Although they may provide clarity to some users, they can negatively impact your website`s ranking on search engines.

Why Remove Option Agreement from Titles?

1. It Confuses the Search Engines

Search engines, like Google, prefer to have a clear understanding of what your page is about. When there is an option agreement in your page title, Google may struggle to understand what your page is relevant to, and it may impact your page`s ranking. As a result, it is best to stick to straightforward and concise titles that clearly describe the content of your page.

2. It Confuses the User

Including option agreement in your title can also confuse your users. Users may be unsure of which option to choose or may not understand the difference between the options offered. As a result, users may choose to avoid your website altogether, leading to lower traffic and engagement rates.

3. It Takes Up Valuable Space

Option agreement words also take up valuable space in your title tag, limiting the number of characters you have for your primary keywords. Search engines typically display only the first 50-60 characters of a title tag. By removing option agreement, you can use these characters to include more relevant and descriptive keywords, which can positively impact your website`s ranking.


In conclusion, removing option agreement in your page title can help improve your website`s ranking on search engines and provide a better user experience. By sticking to concise and straightforward titles, you can provide users with the information they need without confusing them. Additionally, you can use the additional space to include more relevant keywords, which can further improve your website`s SEO. So, if you haven`t done so already, make sure to remove option agreement words from your page titles to optimize your website for success.
